Thursday, August 30, 2012


The City of Breezy Point has recently been designated a “StormReady” city. This is a program that was established by the National Weather Service. Breezy Point is one of only 10 cities in the state with this designation. There are only 761 communities recognized nationwide.

To accomplish this goal an application must be made that shows we have the capability to deal with weather events in an efficient and expedient manner. The National Weather Service states:

“StormReady communities are better prepared to save lives from the onslaught of severe weather through advanced planning, education, and awareness. No community is storm proof, but StormReady can help communities save lives.”

StormReady has established a program where a community can measure just how prepared you are in the case of an emergency. It gives us some tools to look at concerning what has been accomplished and what areas need to be worked on. It helps to develop a structure or plan to deal with emergencies with expanded alert and notification capabilities, and a better understanding of threat areas and response/recovery responsibilities.

With the designation of StormReady the city will be installing signs at entrances to our community indicating our designation. We’re also allowed to use the logo as we see the need for its use.

Accomplishing this goal was an initiative of Police Officer Jason Rieber. Jason is also one of our Paramedics and has a great concern for public safety and welfare. Our thanks go out to him for this effort and with his help we have become a safer city.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

New Park Shelter

Through a great deal of insight and forethought the City of Breezy Point had worked with many interested citizens to develop the city park. This park gets tremendous use and is busy most days with all sorts of activities. The park includes a ball field, playground area, basketball and volleyball courts. It also has a large picnic shelter that is used by many groups and is routinely busy with activity.

The Park and Recreation Committee has considered the park use and felt an additional park shelter was warranted and planned for its construction in 2012. Funds were set aside for this use. Construction will occur in the next few weeks with it being built on the north side of city hall. The structure will be a smaller shelter than the existing one being 16 by 24 feet.

The city received quotes from several contractors to do the work. The contractors were generous with their time giving the city reduced or free labor. They recognized the public good in having additional services available for the community. Public Works has also participated in the construction with ground preparation. Preliminary excavation, tree removal and fill were needed to prepare the site. The total price for the shelter came in under budget with the quotes received. The budget was $11,500 and the final cost is $9,609.98.

Many thanks go out to the contractors who will be doing the work. Trana Masonry of Breezy Point will be doing the concrete work. Gibbons Construction of Pequot Lakes will be doing the framing and wood work. Fiks-Con of Crosslake will be doing the shingling.

With the addition of a new shelter additional users will be able to enjoy the park.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Labor Day Weekend Entertainment

The Northern Lakes Youth Hockey Association has been working on a fund raising event for the Labor Day weekend. They will be hosting an outside concert with the headliner of Hairball. In proposing the event they worked with the city to address concerns of managing a large event. The event will be held at the Ice Arena parking lot on September 1st. The gates open at 5:00 pm. Music will end at 10:00 pm.

The association has requested and received a Temporary Liquor License allowing them to sell beer. The aspect of checking identifications and dealing with beer serving was a major concern. Servers will be trained to deal with their obligations under Minnesota Statutes. Measures will be taken to prevent underage sales and drinking.

Security will be provided both on and off site through various means. A police officer will be on site. Some off duty police officers as well as private security will be assisting at the event. Parking attendants will direct parking on site and overflow parking has been planned for in the event it is needed. Crow Wing County Sheriff’s office will also assist as the need dictates.

Portable toilets and garbage service has been arranged to meet the needs of the event. Cleanup of the grounds will be required to be completed by 10 AM on the following morning.

The concern is for both a successful event and one that addresses public safety. Having an event such as this will be a nice addition to the activities surrounding Labor Day. We hope all goes well and those that attend have a great time. We also hope the event for Northern Lakes Youth Hockey Association is all they want it to be.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Storage by the Lake

Crow Wing County has spent a good deal of time reworking their zoning ordinance. Many of the changes reflect a more common sense approach. One of these changes provided for a lake shore accessory building. This is a small accessory building such as a shed that is used for storage of water related items such as life vests, sand toys, fishing rods, floaty toys or lawn chairs. This provision allows up to 120 square foot building no closer to 20 feet of the ordinary high water line as a permitted structure.

The city was approached about a similar provision to our code as it was available for the majority of the lake front properties, but not available to Breezy Point residents. The Planning Commission felt the idea of having it available to residents brings us in parity to others who reside in the townships. It also makes it easier for lakeshore property owners to maintain an orderly shoreline by allowing storage of those items commonly used in this area.

The Planning Commission held a public hearing for this change and after consideration of the county ordinance made a couple of minor changes. The ordinance forbids this accessory structure to be used as a kennel and also wanted the setback to be 10 feet from the side property line. The other provisions included in the county ordinance were included. They recommended approval to the city council.

The City Council reviewed the change and also determined it to be in the best interest of the community to allow this type of use, adopting the change. A property owner can now have an accessory structure within 20 feet of the lakeshore. This structure can not exceed 120 square feet and only requires a zoning permit from the city to install.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


The city adopted a comprehensive plan almost two years ago and one of the goals of the plan was to provide for public improvements at the expense of those that benefited from them rather than the city footing the bill through property taxes. Doing this requires property owners to pay for improvements through assessments or if a developer establishes a subdivision the improvements become their responsibility.

When the city provides for a subdivision the process is defined by the subdivision ordinance. The ordinance the city had been using was adequate in a number of ways but also inadequate in others. More particularly in those areas where improvements were required to get a surety they would be installed on a timely basis. In addition the city has many lots that are unable to be built on due to size, served by adequate roadways and meeting other standards of zoning.

Having issues with the past has surfaced with a change in philosophy towards the subdivision of land. A subdivision ordinance that was more in keeping with the times and the responsibility of the developer was needed. Accomplishing that goal was the job of the Planning Commission in working through a new subdivision ordinance.

The commission spent about one and a half years going through the ordinance, a section at a time. This process involved policy questions and final outcomes being considered. Standards were established. Timelines were reconsidered. The commission also changed the review process to provide that the final decision for preliminary plats became a council decision. They also established the parameters of a development agreement, giving those who want to develop a better understanding of what is expected.

After this work the ordinance was fine tuned with grammar and formatting. It was then recommended to council after calling a public hearing to address any concerns of the public.

The council approved and adopted this ordinance at the July 2nd meeting. Any new subdivisions within the City of Breezy Point will need to comply with the revised subdivision ordinance requirements for development as well as have the developer responsible under a strengthen development agreement.