Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Fishing Boardwalk Lighting

The Fishing Boardwalk has been somewhat a work in progress.  We installed it in a way that was hoped would work only to find unsuitable soils and too shallow of an area near the boardwalk to fish.  The channel was established by excavating what was a swamp with the soils being largely peat.  The peat was about 22 feet deep making it difficult to establish poles for a foundation.  After looking at a number of different approaches we settled on a floating pier and excavated the immediate area to assure there was adequate depth to allow for the floats.  This has worked well. 

The use of the fishing boardwalk has increased and with the season of changing sunsets a request was made to get some lighting at the boardwalk.  The city doesn’t have street lights so the question needed some research.  We worked with Crow Wing Power to review the site and they stated the power pole we were thinking about did not have a transformer to support a light.  They also felt the pole we were thinking about was probably too far away to do what we wanted it to do.  They suggested we install a new pole closer to the structure. 

We had a few options regarding the type of light.  A smaller security light could be installed or a larger light they call an Intersection light.  They have a couple of options for lights, LED or Sodium Vapor.  The council considered the question and determined that a new pole should be installed to better serve the site.  They wanted an LED light but it is unknown when the power company would get the LED Intersection lights.  These are new and they haven’t received any yet.  A new power pole will be installed along with a transformer.  It is hoped that the LED Intersection light can be installed however a light of some type will be installed in the near future.   

Copperud Addition

There are very few vacant lands in Breezy Point that abut Pelican Lake.  One such property is at the corner of Weavers Point Road and North Lakeshore Drive.  This property was about 12 acres, has a significant slope to the lake and a good deal of wetlands.  This is a somewhat difficult to piece of land to develop but it is in the process of being developed. 

The property was purchased and will be developed following approvals of the preliminary and final plats.  The developed site will have five lakeshore lots and one lot at the intersection of the two roads.  The site will be served by sanitary sewer and the five lakeshore lots will be served by a private driveway.  The wetlands will be preserved along with efforts to contain runoff from the developed portions of the property. 

At the October City Council meeting plans and specifications were approved for the development of the sanitary sewer and roadway installation.  The sanitary sewer will extend from North Lakeview Drive to the northwest property line.  The private driveway will be paved and built to be 20 feet wide. 

As the developer is proposing to install the utilities a development agreement was prepared to accomplish that approach.  It includes assurances that the project will be built as designed.  The agreement also spells out the need for a surety of some form and the requirement to pay parkland dedication and escrow funds to cover the costs associated with this development incurred by the city.  This agreement was also approved by the city council. 

The developer indicated a desire to get the improvements installed yet this fall.  A number of things need to be accomplished before construction can commence.  We have yet to get the materials he needs to provide to the city.  We haven’t seen a schedule for construction.  With the construction season rapidly coming to a close we’ll wait and see what transpires.  In any event there will be homes eventually in what will be known as the Copperud Addition. 

Thursday, October 5, 2017

What Are They Building There?

What are they building there?  The area at the corner of Ranchette and Co. Rd 11 has seen a huge amount of earth moving taking place.  This area had a huge difference in elevation from the north to the south, about 30 feet.  The project area includes a number of proposed buildings in the future but currently the plan is to build a convenience store and gas station at the corner. 

With the large deviation of elevations it made no sense to move dirt only for the convenience store.  Low areas needed to be filled.  High areas needed to be cut down and drainage ways needed to be created.  For now moving of the soils is the only activity that will occur.  The building is proposed to be constructed next year but there will also be an extension of the sanitary sewer through the site. 

The primary access for the site will come off of Ranchette Drive.  There will be a “right-in” off of County Road 11.  The sewer line is proposed to cross the highway in that general area.  The county has requested that land be reserved for a round-about at the intersection with Ranchette Drive.   Easements will be granted to the county for this proposed use.  Traffic studies do not suggest this will be needed at any time in the immediate future but reserving the land for the possibility is a good idea. 

The project can’t move forward without some additional design work.  Plans and specifications are need for the sanitary sewer.  The building design needs to be accomplished along with site amenities dealing with access.  Timelines have yet to be worked out.  The first step has been taken, that of moving dirt.  Along with that it includes restoration and establishment of vegetation.   Allowing the site to settle also makes good sense before construction commences.  Time will tell when the next step comes but a convenience store is what is being built, for now.