The City Council took a big step at their June meeting in adopting the Comprehensive Plan. The previous plan had been adopted in 1998. The plan was badly needed to guide the future development and growth of the community.
The development of this plan occurred with the creation of a task force of 11 people who worked tirelessly with many meetings over the past 3 years to bring the plan to completion. Along with the efforts of the task force were other elements of public participation which gave further guidance to the committee. These included 2 public participation meetings to gather consensus on the issues facing the city. An email distribution list was assembled with over 100 participants to update and gather additional information. A public opinion survey was accomplished with a 30% response rate and 2 open house sessions were accomplished to gather final feedback before completion. The Planning Commission was also involved along the way.
This document becomes a key resource in considering land use issues, zoning ordinances and changes, infrastructure improvements and extensions, wastewater, storm water and parks.
As we move forward with this document there are a number of changes or responses that need to be addressed as a number of recommendations have been made. The Planning Commission carries a good deal of the responsibility in these actions however many need City Council approval as well. Such actions include amendments to the zoning ordinance, zoning map, along with review of other polices.
I want to extend thanks to the task force members for their efforts. They include: Michael Maroni, Scott Willer, Diane Williams, Otto Schmid, Mike Landecker, Mike Weibolt, David Spizzo, Carol Metzger, Wini Kristufek, Gary Bakken, and Tom Engfer. I also want to extend a thank you to the citizens who participated in the process.