Friday, September 9, 2016

Pelican Lake Public Access

I had reported earlier that we had received a grant for the paving of the public landing to Pelican Lake.  This public access is off of North Drive.  The grant provides for the construction costs only.  The city has to pay other costs such as engineering.

Engineering includes, among other things, the drafting of plans and specifications, bidding process, and construction administration.  The engineering costs are somewhat higher for this project as we need to deal with prevailing wages and meeting state standards for all construction requirements. 

Bids for the project were received on August 16.  The bid for the construction work came in at $81,041.70 from Anderson Brothers Construction.  Their bid was accepted and awarded so construction will occur this fall.  Construction is proposed to start the week of September 19th or the 26th.  They anticipate the project will take about a week or two to accomplish. During construction the access will be closed.  

The outcome of a paved public access is something we’re all looking forward to.  Not only that, we have a more environmentally acceptable one that no longer drains gravel into the lake and drainage will be handled with a sedimentation basin.  We look forward to this being completed.