Friday, December 23, 2016

Final levy

With each year the city is required to establish a preliminary levy amount that is certified to the county.  This year, after minimal levy increases in past years, a preliminary levy was set with a 5 percent increase.  This amounts to a total increase in the levy of $89,900.  It was proposed that the final levy should be the same as the preliminary levy.  The impact of that increase in the levy, due to growth in taxable value, was a decrease in the tax rate from that of 2016.  The 2016 tax rate was 42.683% while the proposed rate for 2017 is 42.44%; this is 0.243% decease. 

The budget showed both revenue gains as well as expenditure increases.  Some of the more unusual expenses found in the 2017 budget includes a roof replacement for the Public Safety Building, estimated at $52,000.  The phone system that serves both city buildings is in excess of 15 years old and crashed a year ago.  Given the age of the system it was difficult to find replacement parts but we were successful in finding a circuit board that made the system functional but not at 100%.  This system replacement is estimated at $15,000.  Road Improvements, although assessed, consume $115,000 of levy for 2017.  Roadway improvements and seal coat maintenance costs are estimated at $505,500 for 2017. 

We continue to levy funds for future capital expenses.  Salary increases and health insurance also consume a good part of the budget.  A police squad car is replaced annually on a 6 year rotation with estimated costs of $34,850 is included.  Body cameras and a thermal imaging camera are also proposed for 2017.  Public works has proposed a carbide toothed blade for the grader as well as a gravel packer.  The intention here is to somewhat reconstruct gravel roads by stirring up the gravel and flattening it to give the surface a new finish extending the gravel and reducing the amount of grading.  This is proposed to reduce costs and give a better surface.

Not part of the levy, but improvements for the sewer system propose that lift station number 1 include a permanent bypass to the forcemain that delivers sewer to the wastewater plant and the replacement of the control panel there.  The sewer system was installed in 1976 and requires some maintenance and upgrades.  The proposed improvement expenditures here amount to $75,000. 

The overall expenditure budget for 2017 is budgeted at $2,692,663 with the revenue budget $2,703,583.  This gives us a small margin to deal with unknowns.  The budget and levy was adopted at the December meeting.  As such the levy was certified to the county for collection in 2017.