The area that contains City Hall, the City Park and the
Public Safety Building contains a good deal of property owned by the city. With the possibility of additional public
facilities the city had established a goal of acquiring property as it became available
in this area. The Comprehensive Plan of
the city calls out the property to be acquired as being within the borders of
North Drive, North Spruce Drive, and Co. Rd. 11. This area is known as the City Hall Campus.
A good number of the parcels in this area were
purchased. Some of them were donated
while others were acquired as tax forfeited.
Acquiring a tax forfeited property requires the city purchase the
property from the county. They
periodically make them available for sale giving the governmental jurisdiction
the first chance to purchase.
The last tax forfeited parcel in this area was made
available. The city council motioned to
approve the purchase of the property. It
is lot 73 of the 13th Addition to Breezy Point Estates. This purchase was approved. There remains 11 lots in this area yet to
acquire from private interests. At some
point the city will look at this property as a whole for a grander city park and/or
use for other public purposes.