Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Public Access Progress

Another step has been made towards the paving of the public access on North Drive.  With the grant being received for the construction costs the city moved forward with the development of plans and specifications for the construction.  These were reviewed by the city council at the July meeting.  They were approved and the council also asked that bids be received on construction.  Bids will be received on August 16th and will be considered that evening.  If the bids are acceptable an award will be made. 

As part of the grant process Crow Wing County submitted the grant for the city.  Funds from the grant come from the DNR State Road Account.  This makes the process and funding vehicle a State Aid project.  Certain criteria are required as Crow Wing County is also the fiscal agent.  As such they have requested an acknowledgement from the city that we understand our role in this process.  The city is responsible for all phases of the project including but not limited to engineering, design, permitting, award and construction.  The city understands that Crow Wing County is solely a pass-through, fiscal agent for the project. 

Once the project is bid the city will request funds from the county and they will request funds from the state.  The county will provide 95% of the funds to the city to accommodate construction costs.  When the project is completed the city will receive the remaining 5% of the construction costs. 

There was some concern that the city could be obligated to additional costs, particularly if the bid comes in higher than the construction amount.  The city could reject all bids and rebid in the spring if need be.  Change orders could also be a concern.  The council is aware of these possibilities and would like to see the project completed this fall if possible.  Hopefully we’ll see the project completed in that time line.