Thursday, April 27, 2017


A few actions were taken at the April 3rd, 2017 Council Meeting that change or renew contracts we have with those who provide specific services to the city.  We start with a renewal.  The Fire Contract was renewed with the Pequot Lakes Fire Department.  The contact for annual fire service for 2017-8 is $86,725.04.  Last year the contract amount was $83,700.30.  This is an increase of $3,024.74.  We had budgeted $85,000 for this year so this line item will be slightly over the budgeted amount for the year.  The contract is allocated on a formula basis which takes into consideration use and values being served, averaged over a period of 10 years. 

The city has used the firm of CW Technology to manage our IT functions.  This firm has done a great job for the city but another option became available.  This option is through the Service Cooperative of the National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA).   They have been working cooperatively with a number of cities managing their technology functions.  We inquired about their service and were quoted costs that would save the city a minimum of about $1,800 annually.  Actual savings may be more based on additional costs we experience with CW Technology.  The change was made to start with NJPA in May.  Some time was needed to provide for the transition. 

We also made a change with animal control.  In the past we have used HART as a shelter for stray dogs and cats.  This service came at a cost of $2,824 annually plus additional expenses for boarding, vet services up to $50, and euthanizing expenses.  Recently a new animal shelter was established in rural Pequot Lakes called the Babinski Foundation Animal Shelter.  This facility is a low kill facility which provides these services at no cost.  It is funded by the foundation.  Anyone can surrender or adopt an animal without a fee.  Moving to this shelter will save the city costs.  Those animals that are picked up and retrieved by the owner pay a fee of $30 to the city of Breezy Point to cover our costs in addressing the stray.  This cost is less than what would have been paid in recovering an animal from HART. 

The option to make a change to save public funds is always something to consider.  We believe the changes in these services not only save dollars but also better serve us.  

Monday, April 10, 2017

Sunday Off-Sale

After many years of discussion the Minnesota Legislature passed a law amending the statutes to authorize the Off-Sale of Liquor, Wine and Strong Beer on Sundays.  This law will take effect on July 1, 2017 allowing for sales to occur in liquor stores.  There is a small caveat however in that the ordinances of the city prohibited sales on Sunday.  City ordinances can be more restrictive than state law so a change was needed to allow sales to occur.  The city council adopted the amendment to the code at the April meeting.   The ordinance was published in the newspaper so as of July 2, 2017 liquor stores in Breezy Point can be open serving the public on that date for the first time on a Sunday.  Minnesota now joins all bordering states allowing the Off-Sale of Liquor, Wine and Strong Beer on that day of the week. 

Monday, April 3, 2017

City Hall Campus

The area that contains City Hall, the City Park and the Public Safety Building contains a good deal of property owned by the city.  With the possibility of additional public facilities the city had established a goal of acquiring property as it became available in this area.  The Comprehensive Plan of the city calls out the property to be acquired as being within the borders of North Drive, North Spruce Drive, and Co. Rd. 11.  This area is known as the City Hall Campus.

A good number of the parcels in this area were purchased.  Some of them were donated while others were acquired as tax forfeited.  Acquiring a tax forfeited property requires the city purchase the property from the county.  They periodically make them available for sale giving the governmental jurisdiction the first chance to purchase. 

The last tax forfeited parcel in this area was made available.  The city council motioned to approve the purchase of the property.  It is lot 73 of the 13th Addition to Breezy Point Estates.  This purchase was approved.  There remains 11 lots in this area yet to acquire from private interests.  At some point the city will look at this property as a whole for a grander city park and/or use for other public purposes.