Monday, September 27, 2010

Housing Starts

We all have experienced the result of the declining economy but recently we have seen a small uptick in new housing starts. Building permits have creped along this year much like last year and we’re now seeing a few single family homes come in. We have 4 single family home starts so far but we also have 2 more in the wings with another 3 rumored to come in. Two 2 quad homes are in the works for construction adding to the building of housing in Breezy Point. A number of these single family homes are tear downs of seasonal structures with a rebuilding of a new year-round home. This sometimes means a change in population while it is an increase in taxable valuation.

Throughout the summer we saw a fair amount of decks, porches, garages, and additions. Remodeling of existing structures was also prevalent as property owners work to better their housing conditions. Construction typically picks up this time of year as builders need to get some things in the ground before winter freeze up. All this brings new hope for change and things to come.

This is truly good news as we haven’t anticipated the housing starts we have seen. The evidence of properties changing hands is apparent in assessment searches and septic tank certifications gives further pause to consider that perhaps things are stating to turn around. We’re a far cry from the housing boom of the past but seeing housing starts again is certainly welcome. We can only hope the change continues through next year.