Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Paying your Sewer Bill Online

On line sewer payments are now an option for the sewer users in Breezy Point. This new service will hopefully provide for more convenience to those people who prefer do their bill paying from home or even when traveling. The process is easy.

You start with a visit to the city webs site. If you found this blog you probably have already been there. On the left side of the page are a number of different options to choose from. The one that says ONLINE PAYMENTS powered by RevTrak is the button you use. This routes you to the City of Breezy Point Web Store welcome page. On this page there is a link “make a payment on line”. Click this and you’re in. The next screen can assist you with your account or other needs but if you click on sewer service a screen comes up to let you enter your name, account number and payment. It will also let you view your balance and once entered for payment you can view what’s in your cart. It seems a bit different that you fill your cart with a sewer payment but the program is set up much like other on line programs for purchasing. After the information on name and account are entered, click on the check balance. With that a confirmation screen appears and you see a “buy now” button on the bottom of the screen. Clicking that reveals the cart and allows you to go to checkout. The next screen asks for your email for payment confirmation. Click on the bottom where it states “sign in to secure server”, which brings up the billing page. Here you add in your billing information and a password. Once you have a password the billing information is carried forward for the next time when you sign in. The credit card information is not stored so each time this must be added when paying.

In the future we hope to expand the web store to provide for other things such as permits however in most instances you’ll still need to stop by to pick up materials, more on this later.

In any event we hope those who have a need to pay on line find it useful and it meets your needs.