Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Next Step

Every business, including governments, has a responsibility to address customer concerns. We all strive to meet our goals. There is also the need to get the work done and make progress. Even on a personal level we work towards these attributes. These days standing still really means moving behind as the world doesn’t stop and others move ahead. I think that’s the way it is supposed to happen.

Doing this means change is upon us and it also means we move in the direction that positions us to meet our stated goals. The city undertook an effort to update our Comprehensive Plan. This process took a number of years. The finished product was adopted by the City Council in June of 2010. Within that plan are numerous stated goals. Accomplishing these takes time and a concretive effort from all parties involved in the process. It starts with the goal but quickly moves to the staff person who will carry these goals forward. As it continues to move forward it goes to the Planning Commission and may ultimately move to the City Council.

Aside from the Comprehensive Plan there are day to day responsibilities the city is responsible for. Certainly there are permit requests that need to be addressed. Some require thorough review of the situation and others are easy to accomplish. Some require review and approval from the Planning Commission and the City Council. There are also requests made for information of which may not result in the issuance of a permit. All of this takes time and those requesting service deserve to be dealt with on a timely basis.

The dynamics of a group are ever changing. Dealing with this means we need to address the change appropriately to meet our responsibilities and obligations. We also need to continue to strive towards the goals we have committed ourselves to. This is no different than a business trying to meet their goals in addressing customer service or expanding their business.

With the loss of a staff person the council was faced with the question of how we meet the needs of the city. The city discussed options with other units of government. The possibility of contracting with a neighboring city was explored to no avail. The question was addressed and we’re advertising for the hiring of a planner. We’re hopeful we find a suitable person to fill this position. We continue to look into our obligation to deal with septic tank inspections and approvals. At this point it is possible to work with another governmental body to address this need. Finding efficient and effective solutions is important.

Waiting to fail is not an option, taking care of business is important for any organization.