Thursday, April 7, 2011


Sometimes the big picture gets lost in the rhetoric we hear in the media pertaining to government. We hear all about the things that don’t go right. There is this pervasive attitude that government is wasteful or inefficient. I believe these are unfair in most instances however we can always find examples that fit our way of thinking.

I do however have to point out that government is looking for more and more ways to work together to solve problems or issues to save costs and improve efficiency in government. Recently Region Five Development Commission sponsored meetings entitled “City Conversations”. The purpose of the meetings was to gather local governmental representatives together to talk about what areas of need exist and how we can help each other accomplish them while saving funds, sharing expertise, equipment or manpower.

The workshop setting to gather local governments may be new but the concept of cooperation isn’t. The City of Breezy Point has been cooperating with Pequot Lakes and Ideal Township to provide fire service at a lower cost than having our own department. The city has been providing police service to Pelican Township. Recently we explored the possibility of a shared planner. There are mutual aid agreements in place for fire and police protection. We have an informal agreement concerning backup for sewer operations.

The revenue side has been tough on all of us. Local Government Aid was taken from the city two years ago. Other cities are potentially loosing it with this budget cycle. There are “unfunded mandates” that push expenses on us. We have recently had a marked decrease in market value and a tax appeal that has reduced taxable market value of property. I think most governments are on the lookout for ways to save money, time, and share expertise to deal with the changing life as we know it.

A recent success involves the need for a licensed septic system inspector. With a retirement and change in staff we lost the persons who did this for the city. Filling this void is necessary and important as we need to address the concerns with new and replacement systems. Crow Wing County suggested they have individuals who are properly licensed and agreed to help us with this at no cost to the city.

Being frugal and prudent is expected. Finding ways to accomplish our goals in that fashion is also expected. Cooperation is one means towards getting there.