Friday, July 8, 2011


The current state of the Minnesota shutdown is a bit perplexing. Both sides have dug in their heels and are firmly entrenched in their point of view. It seems they are looking to be winners if their side prevails but really there are no winners in all of this. Legislators have a job to do and it seems they are just spinning their wheels. Part of being a leader is looking at compromises or finding solutions to get the job done.

The shutdown may save some money with the lack of payrolls but it also costs money for the actions necessary to work through the layoff process. It costs the state (and some local governments) funds to pay unemployment compensation. It costs us all in the inaction of moving forward. Services have been halted and some unexpected outcomes come into play.

In Breezy Point the only inconvenience I have heard about is the beach closing on Pelican Lake. This popular spot is fenced and the gates are closed. We fortunately have our liquor licenses on a calendar basis so there aren’t concerns with these but the state gives final approval on almost all liquor licenses.

The city gets very little money from the state so that isn’t really an issue at this point. Local Government Aid and Market Value Homestead Credit were removed from our revenue sources a few years ago. The city receives Police Aid from the state and we’re hoping this revenue source isn’t cut with their budget discussions and final legislation.

Aside from that the impact on the City of Breezy Point is only in terms of our need to work with state agencies or secondary impacts with others we work with who rely on them. I hope for all our sakes that the issues are resolved soon. A prolonged shutdown isn’t in anyone’s best interest nor is it good for the State of Minnesota. We have a reputation as having good government but right now that concept is questionable.