Thursday, December 15, 2011

Automatic CPR?

Have you ever heard of an automated CPR machine? Until recently I didn’t know they existed but leave it to those with a need and someone will develop it. An automated machine that does CPR heart compressions does in fact exist! It is known as the Lucas Chest Compression System. This is an interesting device. It runs pneumatically under a compressed air using a cylinder or wall outlet so an electrical source isn’t needed. This makes it portable and can be used at first response, in an ambulance, any transport vehicle and the hospital.

Through the efforts of our Paramedic Jason Rieber a grant was written to pay for the purchase of one of these units. The grant request was for $10,000 and was awarded to Breezy Point to be used in our Paramedic Program. We do have good staff, thank you Jason!

The grant was awarded from the MN Resuscitation Consortium which was founded by the University of Minnesota, School of Medicine. The consortium is part of a program through Medtronic Foundation Heart Rescue grant to improve outcomes from Sudden Cardiac Arrests. The paramedics using this system will also collect data on successes with this program for duplication in other regions.

We will very soon being using a new form of life saving equipment in our paramedic program and assisting research in saving lives due to Sudden Cardiac Arrest.