Monday, September 10, 2012

Walkways at City Hall

The city hall will soon sport new sidewalks.

If you have been to city hall you may have noticed the sidewalks have seen some deterioration. They were installed when the building was built in 1995. Exposed aggregate was used presumably to retard slipping in winter months. This may have been the thing to do at the time but with application of salt over the years the sidewalks have really taken a beating. The main walkway into the building has a large crack and hole creating a tripping hazard. They need to be replaced.

It was also felt that an additional sidewalk for handicap accessibility could be created on the east side of the building adjacent to the ramp to the council chambers. Recently we added door openers for accessibility on both entrances to the building, thus further improving access.

Quotes were received for this replacement. Quotes ranged from $1,200 to $1,625. The low quote was awarded and sidewalk replacements should be accomplished in the next week or so. Along with that installation we’ll take the time to do some minor repairs and staining of the wood boardwalks and railings. During the construction there will be some shifting of accesses as the main entryway will be closed. With any luck the disruption will only last a few days.

In the end, the sidewalks will be installed with a smooth broomed finish. A sealer will be applied to the concrete to aid in its durability. The concrete strength will be improved to stand up to salt applications that winter brings. And besides looking better, we’ll also have improved access with safer conditions.