Thursday, January 5, 2017

Another Step Towards the 2017 Paving Project

Last August the city council held an Improvement Hearing to consider paving the roads in the subdivision of Whitebirch 6th.  The roads in this subdivision include Navajo Trail, Zuni Circle, Aztec Circle, Pima Circle and Pawnee Circle.  The majority of these roads have a good gravel base and don’t require a lot of upgrading however the slope on Pawnee Circle is a bit too steep and this roadway will be brought down to an 8% grade. Currently the grade is in excess of 10% making this a maintenance and safety problem.  With this degree of slope we have had problems with drainage.  To address this we will be installing surmountable concrete curbing on both sides of the hill to minimize erosion.   The additional cost for the change in Pawnee will be paid by the city while assessments for paving of the roadways will be a property owner cost. The total project cost has been estimated at $444,000.

After the Improvement Hearing, plans and specifications were ordered for the improvements so that bids can be received on the project.  Accomplishing this requires a good deal of time as survey work is needed before design work can commence.  Plans and specifications have been completed and they were reviewed by the city council at the January meeting.  In addition to approval of the plans the council also authorized the seeking of bids.  Bids will be received on January 31, 2017. 

The city council will review these bids at the February 6th meeting.  If they are felt to be acceptable they will call for an Assessment Hearing.  With bids in hand we’ll know the actual cost of the improvement and the proposed assessments will be adjusted accordingly.  If the project is to move forward the assessment hearing is scheduled for late in February.  With positive outcomes assessments will be adopted.
Assuming the project moves forward, construction would commence after road restrictions are lifted, typically in late May.  Construction would occur over the summer months with final completion in September.  We look forward to a successful project.