Tuesday, February 27, 2018

2017 Year End Transfers

Year End Transfers of funds are something we do each February to address some budgeted transfers and manage cash in such a way as to bank for the future.  The majority of these transfers are done to add cash or redeem cash through the Revolving Capital Fund. The Revolving Capital Fund is a fund that is used to balance cash flow needs from one year to the next or beyond.  The fund contains categories to segregate funds that are earmarked.  As example there a Police line item, a Public Works line item, and others to define what funds are who’s so budgeting for future expenditures can be managed. 

When doing the budget, we anticipate some revenues will come out of this fund and others will be placed in this fund.  Funds that were budgeted for capital expenditures in a budget cycle that are unspent get allocated to the appropriate department at year end.  This avoids the last minute expenditures to use these funds before a new budget cycle begins.  The goal is to have expenditures planned and budgeted for.  Without this approach unspent funds would otherwise become general fund reserves with no earmark or designation. 

We also budget funds to transfer to the Revolving Capital Fund.  With Public Works we budget for both current capital expenditures but also $50,000 to be placed in the Revolving Capital Fund.  The purpose of these funds is to bank money to be used for large upcoming expenditures.  A plow/dump truck carries a price tag of $250,000 to $300,000.  Having cash to purchase one of these makes more sense than going into debt to acquire the piece of equipment. 
Another scheduled transfer is with the sewer fund.  We have two funds that are used for the sewer enterprise.  One fund deals with operations and another deals with long range capital expenditures.  Each year capital expenditures are budgeted in operations but we also budget for a transfer to the Sewer Capital Project Fund.  This fund provides for expenses such as major upgrades to the sewer system.  A transfer of $68,242 was made to this fund.

In summary this year we placed funds into the Revolving Capital for road improvements from assessment revenues in the amount of $208,833.85.  Moving funds from the General Fund to Revolving Capital Fund for various earmarks was $75,207.16.  Taking funds from the Revolving Capital Fund to balance expenditure made in the General fund amounted to $72,296.32. 

With a change in budgeting for 2018 a number of these transfers will not occur as accomplished in the past.  Many of the revenues and expenditures have been budgeted in the Revolving Capital Fund.  Some transfers will still need to be made but hopefully the year end process will be simplified with the new approach.