Thursday, December 5, 2013

2014 Budget and Levy

The Breezy Point City Council adopted the levy and budget for 2014.  The levy, after being reduced or held flat over the past 4 years, was increased $34,000 for 2014.  This represents a 1.94% increase.  The budget continues to be rather frugal.  As we look at budget to actual figures for 2013 we’re finding it difficult to maintain certain line items at budget as costs have increased and needs don’t go away.  The bottom line for 2013 should show we’re slightly under budget but there was little room for finding continued savings.
For 2014 the total levy for the city is $1,753,000.  This levy includes a reduction in debt service of almost $70,000.  It also saw a reduction in the cemetery levy of $2,000. Areas where increases in expenditures were shown were a cost of living increase of 2 percent and increases in employee health insurance costs.  The largest line item increase was for road improvements moving from $25,000 to $91,000.  This increase is for an overlay to Breezy Point Drive and some seal coating of roadways.  These are really deferred maintenance.  A replacement public works truck will be acquired and an annual replacement of a squad car.  Both of these expenditures have a significant portion of the costs funded in prior years.  Dust control will see an increase of 10%. 

The debt service levy was substantially reduced.  This was accomplished by several actions to allow for that change.  A refunding was accomplished on two bonds which reduce the annual debt service requirement.  For 2014 that saves approximately $8,000.  The remaining bonds were anticipated to be called allowing for that debt levy to be removed from the budget.  Finally, some debt service obligation was assumed by the debt service fund balance.  Going forward into 2015 the debt levy obligation will remain at $200,000 while for 2014 the total levy amount was $202,390.  Making these changes was a goal of the city for a number of years.  Timing became the key as bonds could not be paid off until the call date was reached. 
Successes with the budget were achieved this year but not without a good deal of hard work.  The city, much like other jurisdictions, has seen taxable values decline.  With the flat or reduced levies that occurred over the past 4 years the city had in the past found economies in operations and with delayed actions.  Some of these actions could no longer be delayed.  New economies are hard to find and the demands of the public are always on the rise.  I feel the outcome was fiscally responsible while making some headway with moving forward.