To find your property you use an address. This address is a physical location assigned
a number on a street, in a town and state.
The address system that is used locally was developed to conform to the
Emergency 911 System. This system
allows for a consistent approach in the addressing of properties for emergency
Periodically problems are found in the system. Things like wrong addresses, even numbers of
odd side of street, the wrong street, or other problems. With the new name sign for roads being
installed a problem was discovered in Sioux Drive. The address for the property was listed as
Percheron Drive. The road designation of
the property needed to be changed to match the road.
In looking at this property another property came up for
consideration. The property was properly
addressed on Dakota Drive. Dakota Drive
was the name of the platted street but the street really was an extension of
Percheron Drive. Having one street end
at an intersection with a continuation of that street having another name
didn’t make a lot of sense. It was
suggested the street be named to fit the scheme of the layout of the
street. As the street ends in a
cul-de-sac it would typically have a designation of “Court” of “Circle”. In Breezy Point, most cul-de-sacs are
designated as a “Circle”, letting drivers know the street is a cul-de-sac.
Changing this street name from Dakota Drive to Percheron
Circle fits the street pattern, making it more recognizable for emergency
calls. Making that change was requested
by the county. The City Council approved
that change and so Dakota Drive will no longer be and Percheron Circle becomes
the new name for this section of roadway.