As cities grow and gain in population the need for parkland
and park improvements increase. Under
Minnesota statutes cities are authorized to require parkland dedication from
developers at the time of establishing a new subdivision. The provision in law allows a city to require
either land or cash donation as a condition of development. Through the subdivision ordinance the city
requires 10 percent of the land area or 10 percent of the value of the land in
a cash dedication fee.
Whitebirch Village is in the process of development. As we worked through the utility issues an
easement was needed to cross the golf course for sewer access to a lift
station. Sometimes minor easements are
given at no cost but with a larger or longer easement, property owners seek
compensation. An easement does encumber the
property. Negotiating for the easement
resulted in a “trade” of parkland dedication for the easement.
Normally an easement for sewer purposes is paid for from the
sewer fund. Given the trade for an easement
it was recognized that the parkland dedication fee was not available for park
improvements. It was recognized that the
sewer fund should provide the dedication fee to the park improvement fund. The parkland dedication requirements for
Whitebirch Village amounted to $20,141.62.
The council approved a transfer of funds from the sewer fund to the park
improvement fund. This makes the park
improvement fund whole given the trade for the easement to accommodate the
sewer line across the golf course.