Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Whats happening with the Fishing Boardwalk?

There have been some good comments and some not so good ones when it comes to the fishing boardwalk.  This dock type platform was conceived to provide fishing opportunities to people along the channel adjacent to Breezy Point Drive.  The good news is that the dock structure is of adequate size and construction.  The not so good news is that the location doesn’t allow for fishing over the edge of the structure.  Two problems were encountered with its installation.  The water off the edge of the platform was at best 6 inches deep and with lower water levels there was land next to it.  The second problem encountered was that of soil types.  The “bottom” of the channel consists of muck/peat type materials.  A firm bottom that would support any significant weight was found about 23 feet down.

These lead to an exploration about what options were available to solve the problem of getting the structure over water deep enough to provide for fishing.  Navigation in the channel was felt to be important and a desire to not impede on this was seen as a priority.  Options looked at included longer poles, a cantilever design and flotation.  The first two options were not workable or considered safe.  The floating option came with another set of problems.  Given the depth of the water at the location we didn’t feel that floats would work without moving the structure out into the channel, which would affect navigation.  The option of choice became minor excavation of the shore area under the ordinary high water mark to be assured the floats placed on the structure would actually float.  

An application was made to the DNR to see if this could be accomplished.  Ordinarily the DNR is reluctant to allow excavations but with the channel being man made this helped the cause.  The excavation is considered minimal and it also provided for recreation which also helped the cause.  A permit was granted.  This allows for a trench to be excavated along the shore where the boardwalk will be re-positioned.  

The process of improvement takes a number of steps.  The structure has to be removed from its present location.  This involves the removal of the railings and platforms to start with.  The 4 by 8 foot sections that are bolted together need to be disassembled and taken off site.  Once the entire structure is removed excavation can be accomplished.  Floats need to be acquired and fastened to the structures that will be reassembled.  These will then be returned to the site for reconstruction.  Changes in lowering the height of the railings will be made in some areas to better allow for youth and handicap fishing.  Other areas of the railing maybe strengthened and or changed.   Given the change in design this will be something of a design build project. 

With any luck we hope to get this done by spring.  It is a priority for the Public Works crew.  We would like to have the boardwalk available for the spring Crappie Bite.