Monday, September 25, 2017

Preliminary Tax Levy

The city annually accomplishes a budget.  With that, both revenues and expenditures are reviewed to meet the goals and needs of each department. Doing this requires a look at each line item of the budget and we determine whether it should be increased, kept the same or reduced.  Sometimes the budget ends up being more than is needed and at times we don’t budget enough.  This review is accomplished for expenditures and revenues. 

Revenues come from general categories such as charges for services, licenses and permits, assessments, and investment income.  Once expenditures are determined and other revenues understood the budget is balanced with the property tax levy.  Most of the revenues the city receives come from property taxes.  

The levy is accomplished in a couple of steps.  A preliminary budget is developed in the summer months for the following year.  That preliminary budget leads to a preliminary levy.  The preliminary levy is a “not to exceed amount”.  It can be reduced but it can’t be increased.  It is certified to the county no later than the end of September.  The county then uses that number to calculate the preliminary tax rate and resultant proposed tax for each parcel of property.  This is sent out to property owners ahead of the public budget meeting that is held in December.

It can be very difficult to get good budget numbers for some expenses when you consider we are trying to budget for expenses that could occur 18 months later.  There are also issues such as health insurance costs that aren’t quoted until after the preliminary levy is accomplished.  Union contracts can also affect budgeting for wage rates.  Other expenses can sometimes be very preliminary in nature.  Having the time between the preliminary and final levy gives the city additional time to fine tune the budget and the resultant final levy amount.   

Given a number of unknowns with the 2018 budget the Finance Committee of the City Council recommended the council start the preliminary levy at a 4 percent increase.  As numbers for various expenses become firmer the levy can be adjusted if desired downward.  As noted however the levy can’t be adjusted upward. 

The city council adopted a total preliminary levy of $1,963,482 for 2018 budget cycle.