Thursday, October 5, 2017

What Are They Building There?

What are they building there?  The area at the corner of Ranchette and Co. Rd 11 has seen a huge amount of earth moving taking place.  This area had a huge difference in elevation from the north to the south, about 30 feet.  The project area includes a number of proposed buildings in the future but currently the plan is to build a convenience store and gas station at the corner. 

With the large deviation of elevations it made no sense to move dirt only for the convenience store.  Low areas needed to be filled.  High areas needed to be cut down and drainage ways needed to be created.  For now moving of the soils is the only activity that will occur.  The building is proposed to be constructed next year but there will also be an extension of the sanitary sewer through the site. 

The primary access for the site will come off of Ranchette Drive.  There will be a “right-in” off of County Road 11.  The sewer line is proposed to cross the highway in that general area.  The county has requested that land be reserved for a round-about at the intersection with Ranchette Drive.   Easements will be granted to the county for this proposed use.  Traffic studies do not suggest this will be needed at any time in the immediate future but reserving the land for the possibility is a good idea. 

The project can’t move forward without some additional design work.  Plans and specifications are need for the sanitary sewer.  The building design needs to be accomplished along with site amenities dealing with access.  Timelines have yet to be worked out.  The first step has been taken, that of moving dirt.  Along with that it includes restoration and establishment of vegetation.   Allowing the site to settle also makes good sense before construction commences.  Time will tell when the next step comes but a convenience store is what is being built, for now.