Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A Day of Caring

The Pequot Lakes School District has started a school event called a “Day of Caring”.  This effort was modeled after an event held annually by the Little Falls School District where high school students spend a day volunteering on various project throughout the school district.  

What is being done is the school is asking for projects that volunteers can accomplish in a five hour period.  Projects include any manner of need, whether it is for individuals, businesses, governmental agencies,  non-profit organizations or others.  

Their efforts can be washing windows, picking up litter, racking leaves, cleaning gardens at the cemetery or washing emergency vehicles.  If there is a need for help, it is a candidate for a volunteer effort. 

The school will be busing all students to areas where their volunteer efforts will be held.  They will be providing sack lunches and students will be expected to put in a days’ worth of work.  The idea is really many fold but there are needs in the community that can go unmet.  This can be a help meet those needs.  Students receive the benefit of tax dollars to pay for their education and this is one way they can pay back the community.  This effort also helps to instill in the minds of our youth the value of volunteering and helping others. 

The Day of Caring will be held on May 9, 2013.  Registration forms will be published in the Echo and the Northland Press.  Projects are needed.  Requests for assistance must be submitted to the school no later than May 3, 2013 for consideration.  Help make the day one of extended community spirit with projects and fulfilment.