Friday, April 19, 2013

Personnel Policy

The city has long had a Personnel Policy which provided guidance for staff and council in how certain personnel issues are dealt with.  The policy details things like sick, vacation and holiday time.  Benefits and expected behavior, among other things, are also addressed.  This policy had been revised a number of times and there were many problems such as contradictions, inconsistencies, redundancies and vague statements as part of the policy.  The idea of clarity in the policy as well as having it match current practice was needed.  

The personnel committee of the council spent a good deal of time reviewing the document and its possible revisions.  Some policy matters were brought into the discussion when clarity involved a choice of this or that.  They also were brought into the picture when council was to assume authority that was given to staff that really were policy issues for the council to determine.  Along the way, the contradictions were resolved.  Clarity was improved. Organization was also made to the document. 
One issue of concern was that of Holiday Pay.  Several approaches to how pay is made when working a holiday were considered.  The police union contract provides for holiday pay when not worked.  When the holiday is worked pay is at time and a half plus the holiday pay.  In the end the council chose to mirror that of the police contract for non-union hourly employees.

A revised policy was approved by the council with the changes as recommended by the Personnel Committee with the clarification of how working a holiday would be treated.